Saturday, October 1, 2011


Somedays, I wonder how my life has changed so much in the recent couple of years. I just don't understand how it could have evolved into this, what it is now. It's not possible to think where I was then and where I am now have any correlation whatsoever to each others. I've dropped so many bolts and nuts (haha, I dropped my nuts) along the way, picked up a few passengers, and let a few off this bus, aka, life. There's so much wear in the engine, a lot of damage to the computer, and sometimes I wonder about the gas in the tank..

Life is a lot like a car ride though, or so I've realized. There's so much to do, so much to see, so many to meet. One day, you're in the city, watching what society has come to, and the next you're in the farmland, wondering how the city came to be. I like looking out in the farmland, at the tall grass when in the vanishing point, and wondering what my life will be like in another two or so years. Wondering where the road will take me, who I'll be sharing seats with, and if I'll be taking back roads and allies or the highways and interstates.

It seems you never may know which way to turn, the speed to maintain, or the direction you are going, but one day. You'll get there. You'll look back at the ride, regret, rethink, remorse, reminisce, but most importantly, you'll remember, and that's the best part. <3