Tuesday, February 28, 2012

12 Years

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine; You make me happy, when skies are gray; I've never told you, how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away...." --Grandpa

"You are my sunshine"

Today it has been twelve years, Grandpa. You died twelve years ago. And I really think that God made a mistake. I know that you're not supposed to think that God makes mistakes, but I can't imagine why he would take you away from me. You were nothing short of a best friend, everything a granddaughter could ask for. My Sunshine. But, he took you away.

"My only sunshine"

You meant so much to everyone, Grandpa. You brought so much happiness to the four and a half short years we spent together. Surprisingly to everyone, I remember so much, so well.

"You make me happy, when skies are gray"

Do your remember watching the late night storms? The spring and summer nights with the fan going, the window open, and having a lemon pudding snack? Pushing me on the swing outside, and losing money in the grass (You and Grandma told me the ground ate it.)? Or the one time you took me to Dairy Queen so early one day, we had to wait for them to open? I remember you playing 'You are my Sunshine' to me on a guitar I like to call Vern. I remember so much Grandpa. I wish you were here to see me get married, see me in a prom dress, and watch me grow up. But there was a terrible mistake...

"I never told you, how much I love you"

There's so much you didn't get to see, and won't get to watch by my side. But I know you're watching from above. I never got to tell you how much I love you. The process just started in church on a Sunday. You never came back into the church with Grandma and I. Something was wrong, so we came to see what the matter was. Who knew it would be so life changing. It was that day, that you started to leave me. That day, that God had a mix up. I never got to tell you, how much I love you. Please know that I love you so, very much.

"Please don't take my sunshine away"

But, God did. He took you away. I know that you're in a better place, looking down, and watching over me. But I would give anything to have you by my side. I often wonder how life would be different if you were here. And I blame a lot of my issues on your passing. I don't think you would really want to know what's happening now. Everything is so different. Grandma has moved away, the house is completely different. It was so painful to watch everything transform. Especially the second time when Grandma moved. I resent Grandma for having moved away, even though everyone tells me not to. But she was holding me to you, my perfect memories, perfect times, and I long so much to go back to the way things were. I miss you uncontrollably. It's awful sometimes. I think I might have even gone slightly insane, I tell a lampshade with your picture on it that I love you. I wear your shirt religiously, and looking at Vern makes me wish you were here to teach me to play; I'm not sure I will ever accept the fact that you're not.

Please remember me, and stay with me Grandpa,

I love you,

Tookie 2

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