Saturday, July 9, 2011

Confessions of myself.

Confession number one: I have an obsession with my Grandpa, who passed away when I was five. He was my best friend, you could say that my thinking is silly, or that I don't remember.. However, I'll only prove you wrong. You can see this by looking at my tattoo. We used to watch Land Before Time movies all the time.. which brings me to my next tattoo idea.

Confession number two: I like older men.. Call me what you want, but it's how I am. Tucker is only three years my senior, but there's a world of maturity difference between him and guys my age.. Sometimes. (:

Confession number three: My mum and I argue a lot, but truthfully, I don't know what I would do without her. What tears you apart in someways, only brings you closer in others.

Confession number four: My Gram and I were attached at the hip once, but now I feel we're worlds away. No matter what her crazy habits and such are, I love her for them because that's what makes her, her. I'm still really lost without her, since she moved away.. But, whatever makes her happy. Although, sometimes, I don't really think she's any happier or better off.

Confession number five: I love to write. I started keeping a blog, even though I haven't posted in a while, I love having my feelings down and in writing for everyone to read and relate. I'd like to be a songwriter or something, but I'm not very musical. I love Regina Spektor's songs, 'Braille', and also 'Buildings'. I wish I could play piano.

Confession number six: I'm a very emotional person.. I think it helps me in my writing. I have my highs and lows. I am an unsteady person; and like Marilyn Monroe once said, "If you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." Learn to live by this, and your life will be a lot easier.

Confession number seven: I'm not the skinniest girl you'll ever meet. And quite honestly, it doesn't really bother me. It's the numbers that bother me, not the size. I think girls look disgusting when they are extremely thin. Everyone likes a Snooki, right?

Confession number eight: I'm obsessed with growing up, and being mature, but not getting older. I'd love to graduate high school in a year from now and go on to college right away. I'm in a hurry to be someone and do something, when the truth is, I don't really know what's waiting.

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