So, it's like 9 o'clock on a Monday night.. I'm just doing the usual, I'm with my dad, we just dropped my younger sister off at her mom's, and we decide to go tanning. So, we drive speedily to the nearest Tanworld to get some 'sun' and soak up some rays, ya know?
So, we walk in to Tanworld, do the normal 15 minutes on a level 2 bed. (On a side note, the tanning tenant had really cute hair!) And I'm in the tanning bed, absorbing my cancer minute by minute, probably getting blinder too, just listening to music until my time was up.
Interesting night, right?
Ha! But no, it's not until I was FINISHED TANNING that my night really got that much more fan-fucking-tastic.. I simply put my clothes on, walk out, compliment the lady on her hair.. and leave.. not thinking about the fact that my dad was not yet finished tanning and had the keys inside..
And boy, oh boy.. Am I glad I didn't? You bet your ass I am! (:
What might you ask I walked out on? Rainbows? Ponies? Chip -n- Dales? Nah, unfortunately, I'm not THAT lucky.. However, it was a little steamy for the people involved..
So, here's me, casually strolling out of Tanworld to two people making out, PROFUSELY. I was like.. okay? I figured they would stop, so I trot on over to the car, pop a squat on the hood, and take a glance.. to find what? Had it subsided? For the love of my fifteen year old eyes? Absolutely, not! They are STILL just sucking face like a vacuum cleaner. Did I mention they were probs like 30 something?! Just acting casual about the encounter.. Uhm, hello? Get a room! I have more class than that!
Alright, alright, alright.. So, a couple minutes had yet again passed by.. time for my bi-minute-ual check.. I just turn my head to about a ninety degree angle to see yet again, the making out in a profuse manner. C'mon people.. fuck already why don't you?
So, I think that they had finally subsided long enough to hug and dance at the same time.. and just WHAT do they think this is? The prom?
This is sort of a multi-orgasm story for me.. so be prepared..
Finally, but maybe the highlight of my night, (and the downfall to one or two other fellow humans) was to tune in just at the right moment to hear the male of the affair say that he'd be sleeping on the couch tonight!! EXCUSE ME? Call me wrong, but did I just witness cheating? Am I ever so slightly related to aiding in home-wrecking? Ah, fuck my life. That's the juciest piece of information ever instilled into my mind.. I might just have to blog about that one.. (;
So, after the lovely, steamy, relationship infringement.. they get into separate cars, and drive off in separate ways! And then! Here comes my father just ever so casually strolling out of Tanworld.. I was delighted to share the wonderful, intriguing story with him. As I am with whomever reading this. (: Life from here on to the time I passed out on my bed was pretty delightful. And I am glad I witnessed such things.
Your Home-Wrecking Aid <3